Life is a little like wrestling a gorilla. You don’t quit when you’re tired, you quit when the gorilla is tired. -Robert Strauss
Today, wars continue to flare with frightening regularity around the world. Our financial market, once quiet and predictable, now spins out of control in an ever-expanding cycle of chaos. Each month another industry falls to its knees, begging for fistfuls of bailout cash from a frantic but shortsighted government addicted to spending money it doesn’t even have. The national deficit is now at $ 1.2 Trillion! Home foreclosures increased at a record pace in the month of July 09.
The ship of our society is taking on water and the bilge pump is too small.
Uncertain times? That’s an under statement .Where do we go from here? Who knows? The real question is do you possess the critical life skills necessary to protect the people, places, and profits you care so much about? This is the insurance for a better life that Today’s Survival Show seeks to help you gain. Your faith and your skills will generate more rewards than anything else.
Where can you look to find the truth about what’s going on?
Not the media, that’s for sure. These self-proclaimed experts are woefully inaccurate, intellectually vacant, and morally bankrupt. Their political agendas show in everything they do. They’re numbskulls, wading in ego’s fanned by sheeple who believe whatever is told to them. Their knowledge and skills are not worth the weight of the pixels on this screen. So how about our politicians? Yeah right, don’t even think about that option. You can add criminally irresponsible and devious to their list of sins.
The people now opening their eyes now for the first time are seeking information to trust to protect the things they love now, and in the future. Today’s Survival Show helps to fill that void and rise above the chaos and rhetoric to say “There is a better way.” We are the voice of reason.
Re-examine the last quarter of 2008. The concussion of financial unrest shows us all how fast, what we thought was an invincible house of cards can come crashing down. Are you ready for what lies ahead? Do you have a plan? Do you even know what to look out for? Today’s Survival Show is there to provide peace of mind. We cover the contemporary, common sense topics necessary to survive and prosper. Survival made simple – not extreme. This is not a lunatic fringe show, it is about practical techniques for real people like you and me and the people next door.
This is about Main Street, USA. This is for you and your relatives, your neighbor, soccer moms, college students, retirees, bank presidents, athletes and convenience store clerks.
If you think education is expensive…try ignorance! This show is free.
Today’s Survival Show is about being prepared for common disasters with simple, realistic steps everyone can take to strengthen their resolve, when times are good or bad. It’s about turning problems into opportunities. It’s about stability, community involvement and about solidifying, perfecting, providing, and securing peace of mind. It’s about self-reliance and personal responsibility and getting out of the system of dependency we’ve been forced into for decades. Does any of this appeal to you?
Please join me in my quest. If even one life breathes easier because I have done this show…that is to have succeeded!
Give me just 30 minutes per week, listening to our podcasts you won’t regret it.
Scroll down this blog to listen any of our first 5 episodes. Episode 6 will be produced on Friday.
Thank you,
Bob Mayne