Mindset: The key to secure living.

mindset2 1. Change the way you look  at   everything. Rethink your entire lifestyle.  I realize that change isn’t always fun, but the results are fun.  It all starts with creating a different outlook.

Don’t be on Ostrich.  Don’t stick your head in the sand and pretend that nothing bad can happen, because it can.  This is a life style change…are you ready?

2. Develop discernment about people. Put up your radar.  It’s simple, trust but verify.  Here’s an example, my mentor taught me to never take advice from someone more messed up than I am!  It’s true.  You will discern pretty quickly who has their act together and who doesn’t.  Find out how they live, before you take their advice.  I’ve made it a point to live what you see on this site.  I may not do all of at the same time, but I’m doing a lot of it right now.  One of the reason’s I’ve developed this blog is because it helps me too.  And by you, our community chiming in with comments on the FORUM, it helps shape my life as well.  My main point?  Be wary of someone not living their life to become more independent.  If they are a sheep, be nice to them, but don’t get too close.

Do you know your neighbors?  If not, why not?  You need to know them, good or bad.  Check them out.  In a SHTF (Stink Hit the Fan) situation, you need to know which ones will help you and which ones won’t.

3. When you invest, invest first in the right people. This is similar to point #2.  Think about where you put your money, you want the best return, correct?  It’s the same as who you invest in.  Are you getting a return?  I’m not talking about family, you need to invest in them first, always.  I’m talking about outside your family.  Your are a product of the company you keep. So keep company with people that you want to be like, read articles on what you want to do (like this Blog) watch videos that will teach you something, train your mind.  Invest in the greatest asset you have – yourself!  It will pay much larger return than any financial investment, trust me.

4. Honestly look at your self, your strengths and your weaknesses. You’ve heard it said that you also have to be honest with yourself.  Let me refer to point #1 again, don’t be an Ostrich!

5. Seek the counsel of others you trust. Who do you trust?  A grandparent, a coach, a counselor, a teacher, a parent, a minister?  Whomever it is, go to them and ask their advice.  Remember point #2 though.  But once you determine that you trust and respect them, heed their advice.

6. Find like-minded people who can be part of a mutual support group and who you can cooperate with. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!   That’s what I’m trying to create in our FORUM. It’s been proven over and over again that when like minded people get together, it’s productive.  Soon we will be publishing Podcasts here at www.TodaysSurvival.com.  You will be able to take advantage of that community as well.  For now, join our Forum, I promise you will learn something.  Discussion is taking place now.

7. Find alternate methods for doing everything.  Folks, there’s always another way to do something.  Develop a plan B and plan C for everything.  Alternative investments, alternative sources of food supply, alternative emergency preparation, alternative first aid, alternative self defense techniques, alternative financial savings programs and the list goes on!

Let me finish today’s post by saying that if you get involved in this online community it will change your life.  It will free you from the dependence of  “The System” and let you live life on your own terms.  That’s really what you want, isn’t it?

Tune in tomorrow for a continuation.  This is a 4 part series.  Please check out some of our adverstisers also at the bottom of article and in the columns to the right.  Don’t forget to join our forum.

Source: Don McAlvany, McAlvany Intelligence Advisor

Bob Mayne



Knives and Gear

Professional Security Consulting

One Response to “Mindset: The key to secure living.”

  1. Allen Taylor says:

    Nice writing. You are on my RSS reader now so I can read more from you down the road.

    Allen Taylor