Mindset: The key to secure living …Part 2

If you haven’t read Part 1 published yesterday, I encourage you to click here to read it first.


8. Develop an instinct for  what   doesn’t feel right. Denial is a powerful foe that should not be underestimated. The mind, soul, and spirit work together to marvelously give you discernment. There is a reason we get a gut feeling in certain situations. It means that something has not cleared one of these three levels of discernment but your consciousness is unable to articulate specifically what it is. Learn to trust your gut .

9. Eliminate non-essentials from your life. Eliminate all time wasters and money wasters, and things you don’t need – i.e. clothes, furniture, junk, etc.  Our garages, closets, minds and time are filled with junk . Get rid of the clutter. It will bring energy and focus back into your life. Sell it, dump it, or stop it so you can concentrate on the important things.   Prioritize your life around these simple truths … There is a God and you are not him and you can’t take care of anyone else until you take care of yourself. You will be doing both God and man a favor. Most of us are spread so thin that we end up achieving very little that is truly noteworthy .

10. Simplify your lifestyle – learn to say ‘no’ to things or activities which do not make you self-sufficient. If I gave you $86,400 and told you that you had 24 hours to spend it and whatever you don’t spend you have to give back to me, how would you spend that time and money?  You would spend it wisely, wouldn’t you?  Well, there are 86,400 seconds in a day.  As each one ticks by, you never get it back. How are you spending them?

11. Develop physical, mental and spiritual disciplines. Challenge your mind, body, and spirit every chance you get. This keeps you sharp and growing. If you don’t use it, you lose it, the old saying goes. I personally enjoy duck hunting. It is mentality challenging, optimizing the differing environments and changing weather to have a successful hunt. Being in the outdoors and meditating on the lake refreshes my soul and honing my coordination with my shotgun is a very rewarding experience for me. Develop your passion then practice your passion. (Hopefully one of your passions will be to live a modern survival lifestyle like we discuss on this website and our forum.)

12. Buy things that will last, even if they cost more. This is simple, you save money through quality.

Tomorrow, (Part 3) we will discuss

  • How to budget your time?
  • Where to spend it?
  • Which priorities to set if you’re new to getting prepared
  • Asking the right questions in each situation
  • Up front systems and back up systems
  • Success stories from Today’s Survival Members

Comment? please join our FORUM or comment here on this Blog.

Randy Croft

Todays Survival


Source:  Don McAlvany

Knives and Gear

Professional Security Consulting

2 Responses to “Mindset: The key to secure living …Part 2”

  1. You’re welcome, subscribe to our RSS feed and it will update you when new information is posted. Look to the right side of our site and you will see Today’s Survival RSS feeds. You can subscribe by topic if you wish. There will be new posts almost every day and podcasts coming soon.

  2. Thanks for posting about this, I would love to read more about this topic.